Silk bracelet

Happy New Year to all of you and happy three Kings! I hope you have enjoyed Christmas holidays and have wake up today all excited about your gift and roscón (cake) for breakfast!!! yummy!! I have enjoyed so much, rested and also had time to make some orders, innovations and experiments with differents yarns and […]

Bezencilla at

Here you can have a look at the newsletter they send to their database (only in Spanish). At the bottom of the picture there are the pink baby booties I crochet a few weeks ago, for the babygirl is coming soon. “ARTESANÍA Y ESTILO Nº 19 | 16 diciembre 2009 La vie en Rose […]

Marketing and tech news

Algunos enlaces que creo merece la pena compartir contigo: – The Fun Theory by Volkswagen, reciclar es más efectivo si se trata de un juego: [youtube][/youtube] – Descuentos en ventas privadas de sólo hasta el día 20. Por supuesto ya he picado… a ver si llega prontito! – Experimento de Skype en el desierto, […]

New crocheted earrings

Short time ago, Bea asked for a pair of crochet blue earrings. She is the second person called Bea who asked for blue color. If you are looking for a present for someone with this name, you may need some ideas. The first one model is medium size, thick and made of a kind of […]