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Crocheted bag for bread
It has been some time since I started crocheting this bag for bread, one of those made by grannies with granny squares 🙂 After crocheted all this squares the hard work it has to be done, attaching one to another, small and big pieces. But it will worth it to get the bag done. Updated […]
First baby booties
I have been working in a pair of baby booties, the first ones. I guess I’ll do some more, 🙂 I think they are nice, but maybe need a little detail. Have a look to them and give me your feedback if you want. [polldaddy poll=2185800] Aquí dejo el tutorial de cómo los he hecho: […]
(Español) Pendientes de ganchillo / Crocheted earrings
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(Español) Funda para la cámara / Camera case
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(Español) Pendientes modelo “Gema” / Model “Gema” earrings
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(Español) Muchas cosas que contar…
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(Español) Pendientes de cumpleaños / Birthday earrings
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(Español) Broche de bolsito blanco / White small bag brooch
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(Español) Mi primer collar de ganchillo / My first crocheted necklace
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