I hope that you all have had a great holiday season and now are getting ready for the New Year and the new projects. Since last December I have had a few technical problems with my blog due to some spammers that are causing me troubles with my hosting, which is the reason why I had to deactivate the translations plugin and since then have only English language for my posts. ’ve just updated my WordPress version to 3.5.1 hoping that it allows me to have both languages back without any more issues, but Qtranslate breaks badly, now it’s even worst, it deletes the line breaks of the content. If any of you know how to fix it would be really nice. Please help me! In other order of things, lately I’ve been working on several projects and listening to many podcasts, most of them related the subject of knitting. I think I also mentioned it in my last post, here you can have a couple of links more: YarnCraft from Lion Brand, Never Not Knitting by Alana, a knit designer and podcaster with a hilarious soundtrack. Last month I finished a few projects that I really like: – Stranded True Love Mittens – My crescent Haruni – Amaranth Headband – Baby Winter Slippers Also a new design came up from my hooks, the Rock & Roll Baby Boots, the pattern will be available soon
So cute! Nice job with the Rock n’ Roll booties!